aye, there's the rub

It seems paradoxical sometimes that he's so beautiful. But he is- both inside and out. I recommend the book The Boy Who Likes Windows for those interested in reading about a boy very similar to Dylan. The end isn't quite the same, but no child is exactly the same, afterall. Here is a link to more Oldham kid pictures. I tried e-mailing some, but I'm not sure if it worked. Anywho, here's the link. http://eshare.hpphoto.com/FilmStripHome.aspx?JobID=e9bdf9a7-1243-4a2c-b090-8489b7596abb&SKU=WalMart. Whoa, I din't know Wal-mart was involved. I just cut and pasted the link. Sorry, Vosse.
We didn't make to Stillwater. Sally was sick. The Record Exchange closed years ago. Sorry Dia, Ken died. The town has grown quite a bit. We will have to explore the new and improved Hastings another day.
Sarah made the most amazing chocolate cake. I know I'm not supposed to mention the d word, but when and if I know my number is up, that is the last taste I want in my mouth before leaving this life. Yeah, it's that good. I am writing this to make my official request known, just in case I forget.
Long embraces all around.