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Some days, I like to quote poetry or refer to a song to express what I'm thinking or how I feel.
Amusez-vous, mes amis.
My students are selling the following items as a fundraiser to go to Paris... Mazzios peeler cards, jerky sticks, candles, and candy bars. Any takers? eh?
I am excited about law school. I hope to get in.
The trimester started this week. So far, the kids are still good.
My humanities class is doing music reviews. I am going to use the Arcade Fire as my example.
Sapulpa is in the 2nd round of play-offs tonight. woo hoo. no soccer tomorrow. another woo hoo.
This weather makes me want to drink hot cocoa and read French poetry.
Alright, must grade and then work on Hastings ap.
Je vous embrasse.
Check this out...http://www.bbc.co.uk/radio1/urban/oneworld/