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Klein selon moi....

The previous post contained a photo of Yves Klein creating his art. A process that interests me greatly. I am a huge fan of his- both the art and the method by which it was made. It is so expressive, so raw, and so beautiful. I saw several pieces in Paris over the summer. There are a few pieces at MOMA in SF, too. I find it accessable and yet enigmatic. Well, here are some examples. If nothing else, it's sensual without being cheap. Enjoy.

J'ai mal a la tete

As I rolled over to hit the snooze one last time, I see that I have seriously over slept. No sun salutations today. No long walk with Mark. Sitting up, my pounding head reminds me of the reason for such deep slumber. Did I really have a hang over? On a Wednesday? Gulping down my coffee, I curse the cheap (but tasty) Chilean wine I had last night. Ah, last night...
After dropping Dyl, Li, and Chlo off at respite, Mark went to an interview and I drove to Tulsa to get Ca from his academic meet, so I could get him to rehearsal. After getting him a veggie sub and dropping him off at the theatre, I realized I was kid free for the next hour and a half. I was pleased to find Mark at Em and Ryan's (his interview was @ Ace - where Ryan works) so we stayed to visit. The conversation was wonderful. Never a dull moment w/ Em, and she always has wine. I admit, I got carried away, especially sans avoir dine. We discussed life, theories, genetics, and creating.
Personally, I have been especially obsessed with creating, finding an outlet- I should say. I desperately want to learn to knit or paint. I'm not a good gardener, but I try. I love to bake, to draw, to write. I have four children. I am a creator.
Is it wrong to think of my children as masterpieces? Eating, breathing, shitting masterpieces? I am constantly molding, reshaping, and perfecting them. When do you know when a piece of art is finished? I think there is another Pollock quote on that. I'm not saying I take full credit for my children, but they are such a beautiful and innocent expression of life. They are me and they are Mark, but they are also them. They have their own ideas, but Mark and I provide the environment. It is fascinating, exhausting, and fufilling. Just like art.
My dream would be to serve as a "paintbrush" for Yves Klein. To actually be the vessel- to create meme sans talent- that would be amazing. Clearly, the creative process excites me.
My head is still fuzzy, my mouth still dry. But as it is Wednesday, I must work. I hope you all are having wonderful, clear headed days. The next time I'm tempted to have one too many glasses of red wine on an empty stomach, I hope I will take pause. Je vous embrasse.
ps That's Davendra. He's easy on the ears. (and the eyes)


Paris is for lovers

Help me! I'm all tied up! Damn it was windy. I didn't really fix my hair like that. I think it is obvious why this photo was taken, uh huh, the lovely lady in the yellow. yum. But I'm happy 'cause I'm at the foot of the Eiffel Tower and I'm on my way to catch a train to spend the weekend in the south of France. La vie est belle. Ah, Sapulpa.

la vie est belle

I found this story very fascinating. Man, Californians are going to run out all of those nasty Republicans by the time we get there, eh?
Iron & Wine and Calexico (live concert)- tomorrow on "all songs considered".
I discovered a fun new American band that sings in French, "Eux Autres", yesterday on one of M!'s many music blogs. I love finding new stuff.
I'm trying to make a list of things that I will miss most about living here, so I can appreciate each thing. Don't want to take anything for granted, you know. Right now, it's mainly Sarah and my house. That's it? What will I miss? Cheap prices? Well, I can't go buy a bunch of stuff, we'll just use less, right? A lack of sidewalks? Nope. Meat excess? nuh-uh. Wal-mart? Bad hair? Ignorance? No, no, and no.
Hmm, I feel inappreciative. I love my kid's teachers. Mostly. I really like their therapists, too. Soccer? I think they have that in other places. Concerts? Oh, wait- we don't get too many as it is. Ho-hum, I'm going to reflect on how good I have it. You should to. We could compare.


One more reason to get out

I must apologize, but a student (not the one w/ the shiner) gave me a picture CD of my trip to France today. (I didn't take many of my own) This is the patisserie where we stopped each morning before catching the metro to Paris. That's my former French teacher. Yeah, I know. That will NOT be me in 30 years. Promise.

"The modern artist is working with space and time, and expressing his feelings rather than illustrating." J. Pollock

Some days, I like to quote poetry or refer to a song to express what I'm thinking or how I feel.

Today, it is art.

Amusez-vous, mes amis.



When do we leave?

Je suis prete a partir. Vraiment. On n'a que 3 semaines jusqu'aux vacances de noel. Apres ca, 2 mois avant les vacances du printemps, et apres ca 2 mois jusqu'au fin...les grandes vacances d'ete. Et moi, je retournerai en france avant de demenager quelque part... Tout ira bien. J'espere.
Sinon, mes eleves sont sympas, et je dois les enseigner un peu, alors je travaille- meme c'est difficile. J'agis comme je desire d'etre ici. Je suis actrice, vous savez.
Je vous embrasse.
Qui veut venir en France avec moi?


Adios penguin

With the Bright Eyes Christmas album playing in the background, a frozen pizza in the oven, and tomorrow's lunches already made, we decorate the Christmas tree. Each ornament has a story, some are already forgotten. My favorites are the ones made by the kids (big surprise). Mark's mom gave us his - Liam prefers the Mickey mouse that reads "Mark 82". There's the generic "Babies 1st Christmas" that I bought for Dylan when he was 3- just to ease my conscience. Too many meaningless ones, I took a mental inventory as they went up-- several will not see an Oldham tree again. The great ornament massacre of 2005.

The Hardest Part

Don't hate him because he's beautiful. Hate him because he has 23 pairs of shoes. However, he does make a helluva stir-fry. He'll stay, he'll stay.


Law School Update

Waiting can be frustrating. However, at this point, I am still okay. There are so many things to think about, that I am not stressed- yet. After Christmas, we are going to fix what needs to be done to the house. The plan is to have it on the market by Spring Break. If it sells early, we'll move in with Sarah. Should be interesting, eh?
As far as the application process goes, I have sent completed applications to TU, Western New England (it was free), and OU. I am perfecting my aps for Vermont, Hastings, and Valparaiso (another free one-near Chicago). They will be sent the second week in December (after pay day) I think I should know something by April/May. I'll probably find out that I'm wait-listed and not know for sure until August...Then I'll be stressed.
Although several members of my family are not supportive of my plan, it is incredible to have such amazing friends who are. It's strange, but the people who really know me weren't even surprised. I am lucky. Merci.
Well, we are going to a dinner party tonight. It's 'international'. Mark is making bruchetta. yum. It's @ Em & Ryan's, so it should be an interesting mix of family AND friends in the same place. I feel like George, "My worlds are colliding!"

France or bust.
Je vous embrasse tres fort, mes chers amis.

ps OSU sucked today...so sad.


Vosse's Stocking

Chloe found just the place to hang Vosse's stocking tonight. Hope Santa can find it.
I survived black Friday. Just a few items remain on the list. Yeah! Furbee's all around.
I'm going to go have some drinks with the girls tonight, so who knows what my next post may say. I hope everyone had a pleasant T. Day.


Save a turkey. Eat soup.

I am really going to miss these extra days off, when I'm not a teacher. Today has been fabulous. After I slept in, Mark and I took a long walk. We stopped at the store along the way, and it wasn't too bad. Now, I'm getting ready to make the following items for tomorrow's feast:
-Spaghetti squash w/ olive oil, garlic, and fresh mozzarella
-Pumpkin cheesecake
-A spinach salad w/ dried cranberries, walnuts, and feta
- An acorn squash soup
Yum! Evidently, I am a fan of gourds.
The weather is gorgeous. The kids have been playing outside all day. Caleb even took his type-writer on the porch because he felt inspired to write a short story. My sister is in town, and we are going to my mom's tonight to play board games. No Bible trivia, I promise.
Love, hugs, & kisses,


Je pense donc...

“-- Cela est bien dit, répondit Candide, mais il faut cultiver notre jardin.” (de Candide- par Voltaire)
Everyone should apply to law school. I’ve never been so self-aware. I know now exactly how I got to this point in my life. I’m not going to tell you though- you’ll have to wait for the movie.

Purpose is such a complex idea to me. In life, relationships, even food. How can there not be a plan? Is it too easy to blame God or give Him credit for things we don’t understand? Why is it so wrong to throw in the towel? Is someone keeping score? Too many sports analogies?

Listening to the kids eagerly talking all at once about their school projects, lunch menus, after school plans, I sip my coffee smiling and nodding in response to their excitement. In the corner of my eye, I watch you wash the dishes and I’ve never been more in love.

Each person has limits: mentally, emotionally, physically, and intellectually. Is it all DNA? I wish they had tests so you could find people to balance your weaknesses. Get on that Sarah. I came pretty damn close to finding my DNA match, but our kids weren’t so lucky. Not that I’m complaining- I’m just annoyed that Dylan took a shit on the couch tonight. Science is cruel.

Some things in this life will never make sense. There are those people with whom you can discuss certain things and other people, the rest. That’s okay. Just like no one asks me to teach Math- there are those who you shouldn’t expect to step outside their limits. It is DNA. Science is never wrong. Right?


Final thought of the day...
I am a walking contradiction..
I am a vegetarian who eats fish
I am a teacher with much to learn
I am an artist who can't paint
I am a minimalist with a lot of clutter
I am a Bohemian stuck in the same place
I am me

Inspired by Vosse

I can’t listen to Bob without thinking of my dad. Wow, my dad. He must have been a fascinating man. I still talk to him in my dreams or in my thoughts, sometimes. He was a good friend of Bill’s. It does make me angry that he died just when I was about to get him figured out. No closure. I’ll never know. But, that’s okay- really. He gave me Bob and I’ll be forever grateful. If I had to pick a song, it would be, “It ain’t me babe”, that’s my dad.
Antony (yes I am still obsessed) was on the cover (name only) of Harp magazine. (Neil Young is the cover story- Vosse) He mentions singing on Letterman- so if anyone (Ryan) wanted to record that for me… I would be pleased as punch. More music news… I am enjoying Davendra’s new album (he’s a boy- Dia) not to be completely tied to, as Mark calls it, “Freak Folk” (also known as avant-folk) but I also really like Coco Rosie –from what I’ve heard at least.
J’adore la radio nationale publique. Their web site has some great shit. (Concerts, sound clips, interviews…Check it out and support your local public radio.
http://www.npr.org/programs/asc/archives/asc96/ http://www.npr.org/programs/asc/archives/index.html
Another great poem to leave you with is Langston Hughes, “Harlem (2)”. I won’t quote it- but you should read it. It kind of defines my motives…in a 1920’s Harlem kind of way. Je vous embrasse.

I love short weeks. It is Monday, but it feels like Thursday. I am trying to be productive, but it is difficult. I did better yesterday- I made four soups and some rolls...(the rolls didn't fare so well) AND I am about half-way finished with my Christmas shopping. However, I never did learn to knit well enough to make scarves for people. C'est la vie. I have been reading a lot of Anne Sexton poetry lately, so I am going to share one of my faves avec vous. I love that nutty broad- she's so crazy, she makes me feel normal- well, maybe just not so crazy. kisses. ~G
(ingles y espagnol)

In celebration of my uterus (Anne Sexton)
En celebración de mi útero
Everyone in me is a bird.

I am beating all my wings.
They wanted to cut you outbut they will not.
They said you were immesurably emptybut you are not.
They said you were sick unto dying
but they were wrong.
You are singing like a school girl.
You are not tom.
Sweet weight,in celebration of the woman I am
and of the soul of the woman I am
and of the central creature and its delight
I sing for you. I dare to live.
Hello, spirit. Hello, cup.
Fasten, cover.
Cover that does contain.
Hello to the soil of the tields.
Welcome, roots.
Each cell has a life.
There is enough here to please a nation.
It is enough that the populace own these goods
Any person, any commonwealth would say of it,
"It is good this year that we may plant again
and think forward to a harvest.
A blight had been forecast
and has been cast out.
"Many women are singing together of this:
one is in a shoe factory cursing the machine,
one is at the aquarium tending a seal,
one is dull at the wheel of her Ford,
one is at the toll gate collecting,
one is tying the cord of a calf in Arizona,
one is straddling a cello in Russia,
one is shifting pots on the stove in Egypt,
one is painting her bedroom walls moon color,
one is dying but remembering a breakfast,
one is stretching on her mat in Thailand,
one is wiping the ass of her child,
one is staring out the window of a trainin the middle of Wyoming and
one is anywhere and some are everywhere and
all seem to be singing, a
lthough some can notsing a note.
Sweet weight,
in celebration of the woman I am
let me carry a ten-foot scarf,
let me drum for the nineteen-year-olds,
let me carry bowls for the offering(if that is my part).
Let me study the cardiovascular tissue,
let me examine the angular distance of meteors,
let me suck on the stems of flowers(if that is my part).
Let me make certain tribal figures(if that is my part).
For this thing the body needs
let me sing,
for the supper,
for the kissing,
for the correct


Top 10 reasons to move to California
10. Great wine & Dia
9. Gorgeous scenery & Dia
8. Cheap living (from Mark) & Dia
7. Culture gallore & Dia
6. Concerts (Fillmore- Mark again) & Dia
5. Vosse & Dia
4. The weather- no tornadoes & Dia
3. Fake titties (Guess who?) I would have said law school & Dia
2. Matt/ Legal tattoos & Dia
1. Celebrities, celebrities, celebrities & Dia


Enfin le weekend est ici.
The leaves are off the tree. The music choices grow darker and more introspective. My thoughts turn to changes. Major life changes. New places. To relocate:That means a new grocery store and a new mailman. New teachers for my kids. Finding doctors, dentists, speech therapists. First we must sell our house. That means painting the porch. Cleaning out closets. Strangers coming through my house. I know I'm not the first nor the last to do it- in many ways, I am ready. The unknown is harmless. It is all very doable in my head. So, I embrace change.
" Le but de la discussion ne doit pas être la victoire, mais l'amélioration. "J. Joubert.


Happy Friday, folks. It has been a crazy busy week as usual. We are looking forward to the T.day break.

We went to the downtown Xmas lighting last night and Liam said to Santa, "I've been good, can I get a high chair?" I heard plane tickets to France are down, maybe Santa will hook me up.

My students are selling the following items as a fundraiser to go to Paris... Mazzios peeler cards, jerky sticks, candles, and candy bars. Any takers? eh?

I am excited about law school. I hope to get in.

The trimester started this week. So far, the kids are still good.

My humanities class is doing music reviews. I am going to use the Arcade Fire as my example.

Sapulpa is in the 2nd round of play-offs tonight. woo hoo. no soccer tomorrow. another woo hoo.

This weather makes me want to drink hot cocoa and read French poetry.

Alright, must grade and then work on Hastings ap.

Je vous embrasse.

Check this out...http://www.bbc.co.uk/radio1/urban/oneworld/



c'est mardi...

So do I just tell you what I’m thinking, list the events of my busy day, or suggest some songs? I am at a loss. It’s hard for me not to just write what I’m thinking- whether it makes sense to you or not, I just write. I have a constant narrative going in my head. “SHUT UP KAREN!” Sorry about that, anyway I will start with a re-cap of the high points of my day:
  1. I have received 5 letters thus far (2 today) from various (though mostly unknown) law schools commending me on my “academic record”. I am keeping the letters- even if I don’t go to law school. I may even laminate or frame them.

  2. My students are still well behaved. (Day 2)

  3. After we dropped Liam, Dylan, and Chloe off at respite, Mark, Caleb, and I had a nice (quiet) dinner together at the Chinese Super Buffet. It was wonderful.

  4. After dropping Caleb off at rehearsals, Mark and I went to Toy’s R Us and did a bit of X-mas shopping. Alone.

  5. After I finished telling Chloe a story and tucking her in, Dylan read to me- then said, “Sing!” We sang, “Twinkle twinkle little star” - then he asked for “Hey diddle diddle…” come to think of it- he likes songs that repeat words in the title. Anyway, he then asked for a hug and told me to lay down with him. I did, then I leaned in to kiss him goodnight, and he whispered, “I love you, momma.” (His words look much clearer on a screen- he still said it like Dylan, but I understood)

In other random news/thoughts…I am going to join Luke in promoting Sujan Stevens. He is someone I can always listen to- happy, angry, pensive, tired, or sad. It is always good. Here is the link. http://www.sufjan.com/ Amusez-vous bien, mes amis. Je vous embrasse.


Thunder Scares Me

The senses are amazing. Sounds and smells that conjure images and feelings from the past. It’s a way to hold onto people and places that don’t exist anymore. I hope I never lose any off my senses. It is especially strange how some days the sense of touch becomes heightened to a point that I can feel someone next to me, without touching them. Some people have a surplus of energy and it exceeds their bodily limits, I think. Just a thought.

N'imPorte Quoi

Utterances heard in the Oldham house today:
“Be quiet mom! The owls are sleeping ‘cause it’s light outside.” – Liam “Your eyes are like rainbows” –Liam, “Is it an extra bad sin to cheat at Bible Trivia?” – Caleb. “Look mom, I bought an SAT study guide at the book fair, with the money I have been saving.” –Caleb “Dad, you should quit your job and be a rock star. You’d be good at that.” –Chloe “I am thankful for circles.” –Liam “Dad, you’re not a teacher, you’re a grandpa!” –Liam “Why do we have to ask Santa for less stuff? He’s not broke.”- Chloe “Hey diddle diddle, the cat and the fiddle, the cow jumped over the moon. The little dog laughed to see such sport, and the dish ran away with the spoon.” –Dylan (seriously!)
Mondays are eventful and this one was no different…
  • School (duh)

  • Art lessons

  • Errands

  • Theatre board of directors meeting

  • Play practice

  • Academic team meet

  • A visit to grandma’s
I can’t wait to get on my bike. I’m going for a ride tonight.

Let them eat cake!

“No thank you.” I reply as she hands me a plate containing a huge piece of heavily decorated cake, the kind with inches of icing and oozing with cream filling. I am terrified. “You don’t want any?” she asks, looking hurt. “Really, I am okay.” I say, as my throat tightens. “But it is really good cake.” She insists, still holding this monster in my face and looking at me as if I just set my hair on fire. I look around anxiously and realize that everyone in the room, cake in hand, is awaiting my next move. My hands are sweating, my heart is pounding, and the room is spinning. “I guess I’ll try it”, I mutter in defeat. She hands me the cake and watches, as if to be sure I make good on a promise. I take a bite, a small one, but big enough to count. Then I muster a I smile and nod, “Yes, it’s quite good.” I say, hoping to disappear once again in the crowd. At last, she seems satisfied. She smiles and replies, “See, I told you.” I set my plate down and swallow what is left of my dignity.


reflections of a soccer mom

My arms feel warm from the sun, my eyes water from the wind. As I try to keep an eye on Dylan and Liam and watch Caleb play soccer, I make lists: chores, groceries, and Christmas gifts. My mind races with thoughts of applications and bills to pay. Chloe is making mud pies in the distance. Parents behind me are comparing dentists and English teachers, and their conversation sounds rehearsed- like ones I’ve had hundreds of times at games just like this. Bees hover over trashcans filled with recyclable materials, and I try not to look. However, suddenly, I feel strangely content, like I am now awake. I can step back and see the picture, my life- our life- this life we have created. I feel calm for the moment. Chloe brings me her tooth and I put away my lists and watch the game.


Remember that scene from Goodwill Hunting where Ben's telling Matt that he hopes he's not there in 10 years, or whatever? I love that scene. Dia called me crying after she saw that movie. "It's us!" She said, sobbing. She was right, and I think of her everytime I listen to that soundtrack.
I don't care to much for movies in general. I don't have the attention span. I love theatre, but rarely do I find a movie that I can sit through AND enjoy. The March of the Penguins was pretty good, for a dollar. I'd feel guilty saying it was bad- I mean they are penguins, what more can they do? The title says it all- I knew they would never break out in a song, but I can't say it wouldn't have improved things. I saw a movie in France called "Travaux" it was great. I also liked "melinda Melinda" - but not much else this year.

Me voila avec mon amie Amelie, l'ete passe. Je suis tres heureuse actuellement car j'ai recu un e.mail de sa mere- et tout va bien avec elle. She gave me a nice update on their situation. Of course the media puts out the most dramatic images- but she says it really isn't that bad. So I'll stop worrying. I am proud that Mark has been practicing his French. He will never be without pears. Back to work. ~moi

Yeah! It's Friday kids and I am sooo glad. We have a professional day today- which means catching up on all those things that don't get done when the lovelies are here. Like grading, cleaning, planning, running copies, etc. I am a much more productive teacher without the students. We brought our kids and they are a big help. We are planning to take them to the 50 cents movies this apres-midi to see the penguin movie. Should be nice. Hugs all around. (the good kind- not just a back pat) tout a l'heure.~g


These are toys...

The gun and knife show is in town folks. Be afraid. Very afraid.
It has been an unusually pensive day here in blustery Oklahoma. The end of a trimester, kids talking about college applications – and me secretly thinking about college applications.
It has been an M.Ward/ Fionna Apple (the new one) day. I have once again been pondering my existence and reevaluating my situation. I look forward to the day when I can be free of debt. I fantasize about it. Being debt free. I don’t want to be rich- just free of debt. We are selling our house and the green van that never gets driven. I would love to get rid of it all. The things in life that bring the greatest joys are very simple. Here’s my list: Family, friends, food (including coffee and chocolate), sex, knowledge, music, conversation, yoga, long walks, and wine.
I am excited about going to wild oats this weekend to buy some wonderful organic produce (with my gift card) and make some soups to freeze for the fall. I am using my brand new food processor that Sarah gave me for xmas/b.day combo. She is taking an organic chem. test tomorrow. I think I might go help her study later. I won’t be much help- but I can pretend.
Did you know bears were canines? Yep they are like the King of the dogs…
The liquor mart sign says, “Support our troops”. So I did. I bought a bottle of wine. It isn’t that great though. Wine is much cheaper in France. I guess that makes up for everything else. It would be a good night for a wine induced debate. Em – where are you?
Caleb has strep. Luckily, antibiotics are cheap. Chloe worked on her art portfolio tonight. Dylan spelled his entire name in play-do at therapy. He also spelled “away”, “owl”, “boy”, and “Linda”. Linda is a cute blond girl on the Barney videos. He digs her. Too bad he shits on the floor. Need info on autism? Check out http://www.autism-society.org/site/PageServer
Music advice- check out “knot comes loose” by my morning jacket and “One big holiday”. It has the best introduction to any song…ever.
Here’s a Sujan Stevens remix of Chicago. Let me know what you think. My kids love it.
All right. Must revise OU (shh) and TU applications one more time. I am sure they will only improve with wine.

For today I am a Boy.


Jadore le franais Vr

J’adore le français. Vraiment. So I wanted to do an entry in French, but I fear that only 2 people would understand anything. Maybe I could branch out and have an all-French blog. Can I say that I really hope to live there one day? Can I also say that Liam is wearing 4 shirts and 2 pairs of gloves? He’s talking to himself in the mirror. So cute. So crazy. Chloe’s singing “Une anée sans lumière” by the Arcade Fire, and her French is quite good. Caleb is sick. I am tired and I have to go back to the store.
2 weeks until turkey day. A student didn’t believe me that they don’t celebrate it in France. Do you see why I want out? My tolerance is growing thin. I want to be challenged. Challenged with problems that matter. Not worrying that some idiotic kid with a cell phone is dealing drugs under my nose while I am trying to teach them something about Jackson Pollock. I love Pollock. They don’t. They hate Klee, too. They don’t care. The French classes are worse. To teach something that I am so passionate about and to be told daily that it isn’t important, that my job doesn’t matter- it really sucks. I can’t do it anymore. Screw ‘em. I am going to law school and I will succeed. I have to. Mark and the kids are sacrificing everything for me. No pressure. Guess I should get in somewhere first, eh? Okay, off to the store for now. Je vous embrasse.

I know, it's always music- but I found a great recording of Motets of Guillaume de Machaut while researching for my class. I am going to try and set up some music links tonight, but you can sample several of my faves at npr.org "best music of 2004"
The trimester ends tomorrow. Which means a new crop of eager learners. My hummanities class (sans livre) will be studying art (sans art). It's tricky. Oh no, Dianna is dancing now. We are also doing music reviews, which is part of the reason I have been doing my own research on music sites. I do enjoy inspiring their creativity and allowing them to have their own beliefs, but do they all have to review the same 3 albums? and they are all country, rap, or hard core? ! Come on kids, open your eyes. They are selling you an image! It isn't original to dress all in black...People have been doing it for years- and guess what? You look just like all your friends. Anyone can can walk into a store at the mall to purchase an image... hot topic, abercrombie, urban outfitters, it's all the same rich (usually republican) men getting rich off of your need to be an individual. Sorry, I see it everyday it it makes me CRAZY. Alright. I feel better.
Ok, k4v, I guess if you insist...Please check out antony and the johnsons. "I am a bird now" (that is the CD) "you are my sister" is so amazing - it's a duet with boy george. (it's for you-d) there is also an incredible colaboration with rufus wainwright. thanks to Jo++ for the copy.(and to Th* for the initial introduction) I can't get enough of this cd. my thoughts are in france... (i am a french teacher for the moment) i hope paris, ma belle, is 100% in tact when i greet her again next summer. i'm going to drink some tea now and grade papers. enjoy your day.
Way to go California!
I love election days.... that go well.
What would you do with $340 million- like the family that won the powerball in oregon. That should cover my student loans and law school tuition. Have a bon mercredi mes amis.


I love trees

I love trees. And recycling. I went to a banquet tonight avec ma mere to celebrate America Recycles Day (which is next Tue, btw) anyway, I won a basketful of Aveda products and a $25 gift card to Wild Oats. Yea earth. It was at the Gilcrease museum. I haven’t been there since I took a group of French friends with the exchange. Louvre vs Gilcrease- yeah, I don’t think they were really impressed.
When I got home, Ca**’s brownies were in the oven for his project tomorrow- and Ch** and Li** had drawn me many lovely pictures with sayings like, “you are the coolest woman ever” (take THAT Rosa) and “boo OU”. I am afraid to tell her I am sending them an application this week. Dylan is not my favorite child this week- he has crapped on the floor…twice. I won’t go into too much detail (sorry D**- I know you love to talk about it?) but I’ll just say it makes life a little more stressful when you have to use a knife to scrape crap out of the grooves in your wood floors. I’m just sayin’.
I have to say I am very upset and sickened about the situation in Paris. I was in line at the store today and as I was reading the headlines, the man behind me looked over my shoulder and said, “Stupid French, you get what you deserve.” He the smiled and nodded at me to which I replied (proudly), “I am a French teacher and no one deserves this.” He blushed slightly, but added, “We should’ve stuck with freedom fries.” Whatever dude. Oh yeah, that’ll teach ‘em.
You know I actually had a kid suspended today for using the n. word? No surprise- he’s an ag kid. Hum, wonder where he learned it. What year is this?
I hope everyone’s day was as pleasant as mine. I will say I also listened to a lot of Antony and the Johnsons- it is amazing and so relaxing. (He has featured artists such as Davendra Banhart, Boy George, Rufus Wainwright, and Lou Reed) His voice will melt your mind, in a good way. I am also digging on Sujan Stevens, the Mates of State and the Fiery Furnaces right now. If you want some mellow French music- check out Cara Bruni. None of you all have commented on music ...feel free to add any new interesting things you may have heard.
Peace and keep recycling. Random recycling fact: Tulsa was the 1st city in the US to recycle phone books.
Check out the Americarecyclesday.org website.


Christmas story...part IV
Caleb is playing Flick.
As the President-elect of the board of directors- I couldn't say no. Escecially after I found out that Gr* is playing Ralph. Besides, It's Caleb and not me. Heheh. We have to support the arts, right?

Good night. and Merry Christmas.

Happy Monday everyone. Unfortunatly, Ch* is sick- so M* stayed home today. They played dominoes and watched the Simpsons today...rough life, eh?
My humanities class is learning about the elements of music- and I had many excellent examples. (Phish, My morning Jacket, etc.) However, whenever they would misbehave, I sang to get their attention. Some said that it qualified as "cruel and unusual punishment"...
I am finally sending some aps this week. It makes me very nervous.
Mark is looking at getting a second job- if he doesn't I will. It will be nice to be able to pay some debts before we move. I went to the mall with my mom this weekend- and Santa was already there. The man is old- if you tell him what you want now, he's gonna forget. Christmas truly comes earlier each year. Oh- I have a gift for you all... It is a live recording of the Arcade Fire covering 5 years by David Bowie. It is one of my favorite songs- preformed by one of my favorite bands. This song reminds me of being in France... and singing with my friend Am* and her friends. Anyway- enjoy. http://www.savefile.com/files/4079350
Comment if you like it...I'll try to add more music as I become more familiar with the blog world.
Activist moment: Please e.mail your representative (if you have not) and ask them to bring our troops home. Sa* 's "friend" (NOT boyfriend) leaves for Iraq on Dec. 2. Two of Ch*'s friends' dads are in Iraq. More than 2000 (that we know) dead. Something must change. Alright, I'll stop preaching to the choir. In fact- I'll go now ...Ch* is going to read to me.
Peace. (and hugs)


Let me vent a little

Let me vent a little…
When my children reflect on their lives and look back on their “defining moments”, I want them to be positive.  The need to raise children who have character- who can adapt without forcing them to suffer is challenging.  As Mark and I compare our childhoods, it is clear that it was those moments when we were forced to adapt to circumstances that were beyond our control that molded us to the adults we are today.  Our journeys are riddled with disappointment and failures, but we wouldn’t change a thing because it made us who we are. Parenting is extremely complicated, obviously, because on one hand you don’t want your children to ever suffer or fail, but on the other hand, you have to prepare them for the world and show them how to not just live in the world- but strive to make it better.  Show them the hurt, let them experience discomfort and learn to adapt. There have been some who think my decision to quit my job, sell my house and move my family to places unknown is selfish and inconsiderate.  I disagree.  I think I would be doing my children a great disservice by staying here and not fulfilling a need I have. I don’t want them to live ordinary lives, necessarily.  I don’t want them to feel that they have to live up to some set standard or expectations of society.  Sure, it will be hard- and I may hate life next year, but I have to do it.  Not just for me, or Mark- but for them.  

Mon fils a l'avenir... peut-etre.


Okay I stand correct

Okay, I stand corrected. Caleb’s team won.  It was a beautiful day here, full of sun, soccer, and family events. Ry and Em are home safely and they are settling in nicely to their future of matrimonial bliss. The Halloween decorations are neatly tucked away for another year and I look forward to tomorrow when I will have an opportunity to do some therapeutic baking. I hope everyone is having relaxing weekends with good friends, good food, and great music.

My husband amazes me

My husband amazes me. He truly has a super power. Granted, he doesn’t drink much or often- but no matter HOW MUCH he drinks- he is never- and I mean never hung over. Personally, I would drink much more- but that is probably why he was blessed with this ability and not me.
“Saturdays are for soccer”- sounds like a catchy bumper sticker, eh?  Like I should add something about my honors student?  Chloe just lost her game nonetheless, and I fear Caleb’s team won’t fare much better this afternoon. Oh well the weather here is unusually warm and it is a beautiful day to be outside.  I think a trip to the park or a long walk is in the works… Sure beats putting away Halloween decorations and cleaning…ugh.  Although- Liam keeps hounding us. He says, “Put Halloween in the box, mom- it is time for Happy Holidays”.
Quick question:Who else got wrapped in crepe paper by a group of 15-year-old boys at THEIR job yesterday?   I know –so cliché. The question should be who didn’t?
Check out this link- if it works to find Sapulpa High School’s ag. teacher in his wild and crazy college days (He is in the bottom picture posing with the prisoner in black face)…. If it makes you as sick as it did me- call (918) 224-6560 and let Jennifer Glysson know. http://www.tolerance.org/news/feature/okstate/page4.html
Spread the love and have an amazing weekend.


N'importe quoi

I can’t think of anything worth writing or reading for that matter. I am playing with this interesting technology- when I should be doing something a little more constructive. I guess this could be considered an outlet. I could write a daily diary for all to read. It would be a little too scary, I am afraid. So I’ll settle for brief.